Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My American Voice

Speaking Up: so easy to want to do yet so hard to actually do it. It's more of a responsibility than an inconvenience in how we have to do it, but we don't want to and more than 2/3 of us "forget" to do it.
 When it comes to me witnessing someone getting bullied, I honestly don't speak up even though deep inside me I just want to go off on the aggravator either by doing the same thing their doing to another person or simply saying "Ey, dude chill."
When I see someone taking out their temper on someone and I'm sure they are I do speak up by simply saying "Dude, just chill, he didn't do anything calm down."
When it comes to me witnessing someone cheating, I honestly don't speak up. I don't speak up because nowadays you'll be considered a "snake" for "snitching" on them.
When someone is unkind, I do want to speak up but then I think "What if they start saying stuff to me?" even though I know I could just fire back at them and roast them, I prefer to not get into a conflict.
 The way I speak up, I would say is useful because it is timely. I say that my way is timely because I make sure to wait for a brief pause to come along so that I can get their attention.
 Before I go speak up to the aggravated and aggravator, I do think about what I'm going to say because depending on the situation you might want to say something aggressively or in a relaxed manner.
Afterwards, I don't think about what I just said, when I do speak up, I just feel sort of mad at the fact that people actually still do that and consider it funny yet I feel good inside because I know I did the right thing even though the other person might not be cool with me.
As to how other people would describe the way I talk I don't know I've never thought about it but I think I probably talk really relaxed, although I'll update this after asking a few people to describe the way I speak(going to be weird-ish and cool).

Cesar Ayuso: Sometimes you talk in a monotonous way,

Eldrin Calingo:

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