Monday, September 26, 2016

New Big Question

Why do we keep on eating food that is processed/ bad for you even though we already know the effects of it? What i mean is why is this so called "food" still eaten or even still distributed if we have been told that this fake food has little to no nutritional value in it, although companies advertise it as "healthy". This "food" is one of the leading culprits for many health problems such as obesity, heart attacks, diabetes, etc. but these "foods" actually are bad for you. Really, it's not healthy because it's made in factories and in factories objects such as toys, cars, and electronics are made which is not somewhere where our food should be made. A rule of what to eat and what not to eat is a rule which I read in a book called "Food Rules: An Eater's Manual" by Michael Pollan which says to "Avoid food products containing ingredients that a third-grader cannot pronounce". Basically the rule is saying to look at the ingredients your food contains and if you find an ingredient that not even a third-grader can pronounce it, it is generally bad for you because that ingredient is made by scientists and third-grader's know the basic household ingredients. Another rule found in the book is that if you can't imagine visualize each ingredient growing in it's natural state then don't eat it because it's not real it is genetically enhanced. So basically, my point is why do we still eat "fake food"?

Some more information supporting my Big Question-

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