Thursday, August 18, 2016


Louis CK's "Everything's amazing/Nobody's Happy" riff on Conan O'Brien's show was a great way to let people know how ungrateful the people of the 21st century are without offending anyone. Louis CK was able to convey what he believed and not offend anyone by combining his opinion with that of humorous satire in order for his claim to appeal to the viewers. The satirical element he used was of humor, based on how he said funny things which we can all relate to. The way he used humor to convey his message was indeed able to catch our attention and actually listen to him rather than be like "Pssssssshhhh, BO-ring." and then proceed to change the channel or turn off the television. Overall, his riff did make me notice that nowadays we tend to be ungrateful for the things we consider "simple" such as a telephone with a touchscreen that you just tap it a few times and can immediately call someone, which back then we wouldn't believe if someone told us. This video really helped explain how ungrateful people are now.

Link to the video:

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