Wednesday, August 24, 2016

"Conscience of a Hacker"

"Conscience of a Hacker" an essay written by +++The Mentor+++ is a really great piece of literature. The  reasoning behind my statement is that it is made to be interesting, it speaks the truth about assumptions adults make and of the government. I find it interesting in the manner in which it is written because it makes the essay seem sort of classified and mysterious. The format in which it is written also conveys its message because it makes you want to keep on reading as if though you were reading the author's thoughts. The author also brings in the subject of school and exposes it also. It shows the flaws in the system by explaining some of the stuff that the teachers assume of kids his age, such as that he copied even though he is capable of doing math work in his head. Adults also assume that all children are the same if one does something wrong. The government is spoken about when he says that they act as if though hackers are the criminals, even though the government commits some of the biggest crimes, such as inside jobs and tracking people all over the world, without their knowledge, just to name a few. Although there are some hackers who do evil, there are still some who try to use their skills for good such as exposing the truth to the public rather than hide it such as the government does.

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