Picture taken after Friday's Cross Country race at SB Shoreline park with the other guys in Dr. Preston's class. We did a really great job. Trying our best to make a name for the school in the running scene.
Pictured are Jose Lepe(http://jlepesmhs18.blogspot.com/), Gabriel Ramiro(http://gramirosmhs18.blogspot.com/), Cesar Diaz(http://dcesarsmhs18.blogspot.com/), me, and Alexis Lozano(http://alozanosmhs18.blogspot.com/). Missing in the picture due to them leaving earlier were Cesar Ayuso(http://cayusosmhs18.blogspot.com/) and Alexis Garcia(http://agarciasmhs18.blogspot.com/)
JV AND VARSITY BOYS TEAM (Not pictured: David Tyler Jr., Alexis(shorty) Garcia, Cesar Ayuso, John Barajas, Dennis Tello, Noel Santiago, Arturo Diaz, Adolfo, Alejandro Jimenez, and Alan Rojas.
Pictured are Jose Lepe(http://jlepesmhs18.blogspot.com/), Gabriel Ramiro(http://gramirosmhs18.blogspot.com/), Cesar Diaz(http://dcesarsmhs18.blogspot.com/), me, and Alexis Lozano(http://alozanosmhs18.blogspot.com/). Missing in the picture due to them leaving earlier were Cesar Ayuso(http://cayusosmhs18.blogspot.com/) and Alexis Garcia(http://agarciasmhs18.blogspot.com/)
JV AND VARSITY BOYS TEAM (Not pictured: David Tyler Jr., Alexis(shorty) Garcia, Cesar Ayuso, John Barajas, Dennis Tello, Noel Santiago, Arturo Diaz, Adolfo, Alejandro Jimenez, and Alan Rojas.
Why not team Barajas 🤔
ReplyDeleteCause you're not ready for a team you're immature and selfish!