Monday, September 19, 2016

Fall Vocab 4

Adroit: Skillful and adept under pressing conditions
A lawyer must be very adroit to be successful.

Amicable: characterized by or exhibiting friendliness or goodwill; friendly
On the first day of school, teachers make themselves appear amicable.

Averse: Having a feeling of opposition, distaste, or aversion; strongly disinclined
I felt averse looking at the shoes my mom got chose for me.

Belligerent: hostile or aggressive
The mother cat became belligerent when the kids came too close to her kittens.

Benevolent: characterized by or suggestive of doing good
The man was benevolent because he donated to St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
Cursory: performed with haste and scant attention to detail

When I do last minute projects, they do not always appear cursory.
Duplicity: deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech

Sometimes teachers show a sense of duplicity.
Extol: to praise highly; exalt

The teacher extolled the student for his excellent poetry.

Feasible: capable of being accomplished or brought about; possible

The matter of running a 5k in 16:00 is feasible.

Grimace: a sharp contortion of the face expressive of pain, contempt, or disgust
 When the runner pulled a muscle in the cool down he had a look of grimace on his face.

Holocaust: great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life, especially by fire
What Adolf Hitler did to trigger WW2 was a Holocaust.

Impervious: incapable of being affected

A dumb theory is to think that if you shoot yourself with small arms multiple times you will become impervious to bullets from larger arms.

Impetus: an impelling force; an impulse
When I saw the finish line I had an impetus to sprint to the end.

Jeopardy: risk of loss or injury; peril or danger

By deciding to jump off the cliff with a loose parachute, the man put his life in jeopardy.

Meticulous: extremely careful or precise

In order to be a Neurosurgeon, you need to know how to be meticulous about what you do.

Nostalgia: a bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past

While listening to Frank Ocean, I felt a feeling of nostalgia.

Quintessence: the pure highly concentrated essence of a thing

Steve Prefontaine is the quintessence of a legendary distance runner.

Retrogress: to return to an earlier, inferior, or less complex condition
Sometimes I wish I could retrogress back to when I was in kindergarten.

Scrutinize: to examine or observe with great care; inspect critically
Criminal investigators must be able to scrutinize excellently in order to solve a crime.

Tepid: moderately warm' lukewarm

When I shower, I feel happy when the water is tepid.

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